Posts Tagged ‘Internev’

rake surfboards: Apple Tint

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

rake surfboards: Apple Tint. Yessss!

rake surfboards: Assorted Tails

Monday, November 19th, 2012


rake surfboards: Assorted Tails. I think (hope?) that the top one is headed my way…

Disappointing Children

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

I know I haven’t been posting super-regularly of late. This is largely because I’ve joined the crew over at Disappointing Children and have been posting things over there. I’ll still put up links here every so often but for more regular updates from myself and a small coterie of others, visit the excellent and amazing Disappointing Children!

Nev C from Bangs to Monk on Vimeo

Monday, October 4th, 2010

Nev C from Bangs to Monk on Vimeo

(dh) Arguably the best video on the internets as of right now. Many thanks to the remarkable David Head for his brilliant camera work – I think it’s turned out perfectly.  (Click through to Vimeo to see it bigger and also check out its friend, metal to bangs)

Internev is Neville Challinger: Version 3

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

Internev Version 3Well here we are. This is the new site, I hope you like it.

I decided to switch from Movable Type to WordPress for a number of reasons. MT isn’t nearly as well supported as WP and my host, Lunarpages, includes an install of WP as standard. I’ve been messing with WP for a while in a test installation, trying to get my own theme built (and learning php in the process) and I think it’s now about ready for full time use. There’s still plenty of hokey bits but I’ll fix them up sooner or later.

Probably the biggest change from your perspective is that I’m enabling comments on most posts now. Managing spam made it too much of a hassle in MT but there are plenty of plugins which should help with the problem in WP. You’ll need to register and be approved by me once, but after that you’ll be free to comment as much as you please. I’ve no doubt you’ll all have intelligent remarks and sage commentary to add.

I’ll also be adding tags to posts, so this post has the tag “internev” because it’s about the site. Other posts will have appropriate tags relating to the content of the posts (“audio“, “writing” etc) which should help you find old posts even if you can’t think of any keywords. If you’re a contributor, you’ll get your own special tag for any links you submit that I post (I’m looking at you, tp). Combined with a functional search* it should be much easier to find old posts in the future.

Related to tags, there are a two main categories of posts: Link and Content!. Link is, as you’d expect, a link. It displays on the site with minimum information (title, tags and categories hidden) to maintain a clean look (they’re still there and will be usable when searching/visiting favourite tags) and Content! is for original stuff which I’ll actually write. I know, I’m surprised too – that’s why it’s got an exclamation point after it. Content posts will include a bit of extra information under the post. This post is categorised as Content!

WP makes it a lot easier to work with different types of media, so I might start embedding video and stuff instead of linking to it. If you have strong feelings one way or another, let me know in the comments.

Finally there’s the slight change to the visuals of the site. I got rid of the all the black, sadly the antelopes had to go as well, and messed around with some more interesting (to me at least) css stuff. I’m unreasonably proud of the colour bar up the top layered under the “Internev” text. Further visual updates are planned.

That’s it really, the update was mostly to entertain myself (as is the whole site) but I hope you find it a bit nicer to use somehow. And I hope the RSS feed works properly.

*sadly most of the old posts aren’t functioning too well with the new search but they didn’t work with the old one so you haven’t lost anything!